Sunday, November 15, 2015

Saturday in Austin

The Intel HPC Developers Conference was on in the afternoon. After writing up the last blog I went for a recce to check out the conference center for SC15 which I could see from my room on the 24th floor (its the large grey flat building just in front of the cranes in the left of frame)

and then the Omni Hotel for the Intel conference. That didn't take long so with some time to kill I went for a walk heading towards an impressive building:

There were others interested too, although walking was not on their agenda:
There was an impressive array of statues:

And almost plague numbers of these critters running around in the extensive grounds:
It was the Texas Capitol where legislation is created. I'm not that familiar with the American system of government but think it is sort of like our State's Parliament house. After that I walked back to the Omni. I came across 6 homeless people on the streets begging as I walked past and perhaps a few more who were not. The city also seems fairly run down. It's a surprising contrast between the hotels and just around the corner.

The conference started with a keynote on code modernisation which Intel are keen on at the moment.

And we had various speakers after that:

including this guy who speaks with "iss ands" like all good Italians, even though it makes flashless photography very difficult.
The final 2 speakers on visualisation topics related to to Xeon Phi:

That evening Chris booked into the hotel as well and we went out to dinner at Bangers which was in the Rainey Street foodie district, a 10 minute walk past the convention center. It had a huge selection of quality beers. The food was mostly sausages as you might expect.

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